Home My Favourite Places Clan Cafe – Singapore

Clan Cafe – Singapore

by Saba J

While staying in this neighborhood, I found this cafe that was quite unique. Pressing my face against the shopfront window to “beak in” must have scared a few locals inside!! It looked pretty, not to busy and inviting.

I walked in and asked the staff at the door what this place was as I wasn’t sure if it was a private place, cafe or boutique hotel. Nevertheless, I was invited in to grab a coffee and use the space to do my work. There were no limits on long I could stay nor any pressure to leave. It was great.

Behind me was a florist working on an amazing arrangement to be used in the cafe and on the other side was a counter hosting a delicious range of desserts. The food and desserts here are excellent and coffee just as good.

This place also has membership program where, if you join, allows you use of all available private facilities. This includes, private work-spaces, shared work-spaces, gym, personal training, dining rooms, etc.

I definitely spent my week days eating and working here. Really great vibe, relaxing and friendly.


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